In the 2 shops that did let me test the system I was able to establish that all the books in a single shop could be scanned in about 20 minutes.… Read more »
I have finished building the scanner end of the BookFetch project. This is the device that will be taken into shops and used to quickly and easily log their entire stock of books for publication on the BookFetch website. Here's a video of me demonstrating how the Raspberry Pi with the Python scripts running, is able […]… Read more »
I have recently been working on a project for a local charitable organisation. I am building them a user-generated content site (in Drupal 8) that will receive it's content from a hand-held scanner (running on a RaspberryPi). The user stories are this: The Consumer: Ethically minded, tech-savvy individual is about to buy a second hand book […]… Read more »